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I power 60V 24 Ah Lithium Ion Battery
Harbacore Assured
₹ 29800.0
Product Highlights
Product Description
Important Notes
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Detailed Highlights
- Compatible with all 60V electric Scooters
Battery Type | Lithium ion |
Battery Current(In Ah) | 24 |
Expected Life of Battery | 4 years |
Battery Voltage(In Volts) | 60 |
Battery Warranty | 2+1 years or 1000 charge/discharge cycles whichever is less |
Battery Power in WH | 1440 |
Supported Electric Scooters/Bikes | Benling Falcon, Hero electric electric scooters like Optima Plus, Zion, Cruz, maxi, Avon Electric scooters scoot 207, E Mate, Oreva electric scooters, Tunwal electric scooters, Battre electric scooters , Okinawa Praise and Okinawa Ridge and all other 60V ebikes |
Important Notes | For any issues, battery goes to company for repair or replacement. Only Transportation cost has to be bored by customer. |
Weight (in Kg) | 10 |
Frequently Asked Questions about I power 60V 24 Ah Lithium Ion Battery
What is 60V 24AH lithium ion battery price for electric scooter ?
The price of 60V 24AH lithium ion battery starts from Rs 28,000 and goes upto Rs 32,000. Ipower Lithium ion battery of 60V 24Ah costs around Rs 29,000.
Is I Power lithium Ion e bike battery good ?
Yes, I power is a trusted brand. You can buy I power lithium ion battery at Harbacore dealership in Kanpur at best prices.
How long will a 60V 24AH lithium battery last for electric scooter ?
60V 24AH lithium battery lasts for range of 50-60KM per charging if driving at speed of 25 km/hr.
What is the cost of a battery for an 60V electric bike ?
60V lithium batteries for electric bike starts from Rs 28,000 and goes upto Rs 32,000 depending on the battery brand.
What is the life of 60 V 24 AH lithium ion battery for electric scooters ?
Lithium ion battery 60V 24 AH for electric scooters generally have a life of 1200 charging cycles. If charged everyday once then the battery lasts for 1200/365 ~= 3.28 years. Since its highly unlikely that you will charge battery every day hence battery on an average lasts for 4 to 5 years.
How many kilometers does an electric scooter battery last?
Depending on the speed of driving and the power rating of the battery we can get a rough idea of number of kilometers does an electric scooter battery last. For 60V 24 AH driving at speed of 25 km/hr, an electric scooter battery will run for 50-60km per charge.
How can I charge Lithium ion battery for electric scooters ?
You can charge lithium ion battery using lithium ion battery chargers
Where can I buy 60 V 24 AH lithium battery for electric scooters in India ?
You can buy lithium battery for electric scooters at best prices in India from Harbacore electric scooter battery wholesaler/dealer in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. You can also contact on whatsapp at +91-9140155020 to buy new lithium ion battery for e bikes at lowest prices (Only online payment/bank transfers allowed, No Cash on Delivery).
Who are top dealers of 60V 24 AH lithium ion battery in India ?
Harbacore , RMPPL Pvt Ltd are top of dealers of lithium ion battery in India.
Where can I buy 60V 24 AH lithium ion battery in bulk at best wholesale price ?
You can buy 60V 24 AH lithium battery in bulk at best wholesale price from Harbacore electric scooter battery wholesaler in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. Contact on whatsapp at +91-9140155020 to place your order. (Only online payment/bank transfers allowed, No Cash on Delivery).
Buy lithium ion e bike battery in Kanpur ?
Buy lithium ion e bike battery in kanpur from Harbacore electric scooter battery wholesaler in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. Contact on whatsapp at +91-9140155020 to place your order. (Only online payment/bank transfers allowed, No Cash on Delivery).
What brands electric scooter are compatible with this lithium ion battery ?
Hero Electric, Yo Bykes ,Pure EV, Eeve, BattRE ,M2GO ,Rowwet Mobility ,Techo Electra ,Ujaas ,Crayon Motors ,Lohia Auto , Kabira Mobility, AMO, Benling, Avon Electric, Oreva, Tunwal, Okinawa, Komaki etc. All 60V electric scooter can support this battery.